It is often said that you need to embrace change or, get left behind and, no doubt times have changed. It seems like light years ago, our parents kitted up in suits and ties and headed out to their day jobs. This system was routine for them, and even for us as we watched them leave for their jobs, five days a week and, subconsciously accept that this too, would be our fate one day. Fast forward about 20 years later… given the tech age and, ever changing job specs, the way we do business has changed monumentally.
Just 10 years ago, we had no idea of the use of social media for business, let alone, social media for personal use! At present, social media alone forms a huge part of a company's marketing strategy. The discipline typically employs a team of experts to create and sustain a brand's presence as well as speedily handle any crisis efficiently should they arise.
"No longer do we need to be seated at our desks working a nine to five job to earn our keep. Having a remote office means that you are connected pretty much, all the time. Times are changing so quickly that we don't have time to be afraid of adaptability any more. Those in business need to find newer, smarter and quicker ways of doing business or, truth be told, become redundant," says Miguel da Silva, Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Global Refer.
"It's no surprise that given these changes, we should feel spurred on to choose our staff through more current means. Social recruitment has made waves internationally given its ability to locate the right candidate for the job at hand in little time.
Adaptability is the new buzzword often heard across locations, from boardrooms to the bar. "It certainly is more fun to be a working professional in 2018. Remote access for example, means that you can skype into a meeting without having to travel too far from either your home office or, place of work for that matter," says Miguel da Silva, CIO at Global Refer. "This simply means that old mind-sets must change if we are to work better at our jobs and, in effect, make a smoother transition into the way most of the world does business.
Given the changing face of the workforce, social recruitment means that you have access to large, niche pools of professionals which means quick hires with minimal effort and red tape. "Social recruitment was previously only available in an international context. With the recent launch of social hiring company Global Refer, the South African job hiring industry has been given a new lease on choice and smart hiring.
Being connected to the correct connections on social media could land the ideal candidate, the ideal job. "Since launching, we have secured over a hundred happy hires in multiple sectors. Quick, quality wins are now possible with use of the Global Refer's online recruitment tool.